Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Its and Astronomy

Astronomy is enjoyable.
But not so much when you have to sit next to an it.
You know, those jared leto wanna bes.
Monster feet and hands like a man,
Skinny as a twig like a woman.
Too much trendy clothing to tell.
It even smells like a girl, but i dont know if it is.
Freakin me out.
Professor Powell should sit next to it and start making fun of it.
I dont think it would laugh.
It would prob go slit its wrist and write a poem.
Astronomy involves the stars.
The sun is a star as well.
Go out in daylight emo piece of crap.
You might actually begin to appreciate life.
Effin trendy emo whores.

Currently Listening To: John M. Powell-Serious Jokes, Is it a joke or is he serious?

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